Online Recreational Therapy (RT)
To Start Online Recreational Therapy:
1. Sign up for membership (which includes automatic enrollment in the Lifestyle Foundation Program).
Educational Video,
Recreational therapists get creative with special needs community
(from Local 3 News across the Tennessee Valley, USA)
Therapy Within Online Video Game (Fortnite)
"Online Gaming Is the New Therapist’s Office - Plenty of us play to let off steam, but online multiplayer and single-player gaming can be healing in the hands of mental health professionals." - Wired
Membership Info
Our services require monthly membership.
The monthly membership fee is $399 and includes 4 private therapy sessions (45 minutes each) per month + access to signup for optional groups (sign-up is based on availability, maximum of 4 groups per subscription per month).
A member may add minor children under 18 for an additional $49 per month per child (to share one membership together).
A member may add adults over 18 for an additional $99 per month per adult (to share one membership together).
About Lifestyle Foundation Program
All New Members are Enrolled in our Lifestyle Foundation Program
The program is 2-6 months (based on client goals and plan) and is paid via monthly membership subscription.
Members may pause or cancel membership subscription at any time
(cancellation effective at the conclusion of their current prepaid month).