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Digital Health:
Recreational Therapy (RT) Treatment Technique 
Video Gaming 


About Video Gaming Therapy

What is Video Gaming Therapy?
  • Video Gaming Therapy uses commercial video games for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of health conditions.
How We Provide Video Gaming Therapy
  • Inclusion Therapies integrates video gaming and virtual reality technology utilizing AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHZ + AMD RX 580 8 GB graphics card on a 30" FHD Ultrawide 21:9 2560x1080p 200Hz refresh rate curved gaming monitor, Oculus/ Meta Quest 1 and 2 headsets and the PlayStation 5 console.
  • Video Gaming therapy sessions are online within a game (e.g., Fortnite, if the client has internet access and hardware/software) or in-person at our Lake Travis Center for Therapeutic Recreation Technology (CTRT). 
  • The client and Recreational Therapist will select an age-appropriate (based on Entertainment Software Rating Board at and/ or health-supportive content Video Game relating to their healthcare outcomes. For example, someone with challenges with effective communication or emotional regulation may select the video game of professional soccer (FIFA) to play during a session to improve their ability to express their ideas to teammates (and/or accept undesired outcomes while maintaining control of their emotions, for instance, when they lose).  
  • The therapist team may play on a team with client, or on an opposing team or observe the client.
  • FOR PEDIATRIC CLIENTS: During each private session, the client will be engaged in video game play and then will have a debriefing session (to talk about the video game reactions). Client will practice stopping game play (in acceptance of previously agreed to session time limits) while managing emotional responses in a healthy manner. 

 University of Michigan, Medicine Inpatient Rehabilitation Computer Therapy Lab, Regaining Lost Function with the Help of Video Games, 7/25/2017

  • "[T]here is emerging empirical research into the area of commercial video games as therapy (VGTx). [...O]ne might consider VGTx as a different take on games for health. Instead of making a game as a way to address a health problem, we suggest adapting or incorporating games that millions of people already play into interventions that promote health." -Colder Carras, M., Van Rooij, A. J., Spruijt-Metz, D., Kvedar, J., Griffiths, M. D., Carabas, Y., & Labrique, A. (2018). Commercial Video Games As Therapy: A New Research Agenda to Unlock the Potential of a Global Pastime. Frontiers in psychiatry8, 300.