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Why We Treat >> Peak Wellness >>

What is Peak (or High-Level) Wellness?
​To Reach as High a Level of Wellness as the Individual is Capable of Achieving.

What is Peak Wellness?

The highest-level wellness is gained when we exist in a "very favorable environment" and enjoy "peak wellness" (where illness and wellness are conceived along a continuum, with death on one end and peak wellness at the other). The "aim of 'well medicine' is to help clients move toward self-actualization. High-level wellness deals with health enhancement in contrast to the traditional medical model that concerns itself with treating disease ." David R. Austin, Ph.D. 

How Will This Help Me?
How Long Will This Take?

How Long Will This Take?

It is entirely up to the client. The duration of treatment is dependent on the wellness plan goals and the client's progression towards them (documented for each RT session and Periodic Evaluation). Most importantly, it will be based on the client's expectations, their capacity for self-development and their efforts. 

Why Should I Work With a Recreational Therapist?

Why Should I Work With a Recreational Therapist?

The practice of Therapeutic Recreation by Recreational Therapists is "based on a philosophy that encourages clients to attempt to achieve maximum health, rather than just recover from illness." (David R. Austin, Ph.D., CTRS ).