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Conditions Treated

"Recreation therapy makes use of activity-based interventions that are rooted in functional performance, communication, behavior, adaptation and modification to physical conditions and cognitive processes.[...] recreation therapy also has another purpose – to enhance the ability of a child with Cerebral Palsy to plan, strategize and perform tasks in an effort to achieve improved physical functioning and encourage emotional well-being by facilitating inclusion into activities they benefit by and enjoy. " -

Peak Wellness

The highest-level wellness is gained when we exist in a "very favorable environment" and enjoy "peak wellness" (where illness and wellness are conceived along a continuum, with death on one end and peak wellness at the other). David R. Austin, Ph.D.

View Educational Video on Recreational Therapy and Community Integration from UK Healthcare (Regional Hospital in Kentucky, USA):

Chronic Disability, Disease & Developmental Disorders

View Educational Video about Recreational Therapy for 

treating Autism from Children's Specialized Hospital (largest pediatric rehabilitation hospital in the USA):

Mental and Behavioral

View Educational Video about how Recreational Therapy Treats Mental Health 

from CHI Health (regional health care network in the USA in IL, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and North Dakota):


View Educational Video about Recreational Therapy for Physical Rehabilitation from Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals (USA):

View Educational Video from Craig Hospital in Denver, Colorado 

(specializes exclusively in the Neurorehabilitation and research of patients with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Brain Injury (BI)):