Our Therapeutic Recreation Practice Model:
Health Protection/ Health Promotion
Our practice purpose "is to assist persons to recover following threats to health (health protection)
and to achieve as high a level of health as possible (health promotion)."
What is a Therapeutic Recreation Practice Model?
It is a framework for delivery of services as a Recreational Therapist. It "guide[s] the outcomes toward which the professional will strive and everything that is done in practice to achieve those outcomes[.]”
- Candy Ashton-Forrester, PhD, CTRS/LRT, FDRT and Jo-Ellen Ross, PhD, CTRS, FDRT
What is Health Protection?
View Educational Video from Health Education England (HEE) - NHS:
What is Health Promotion?
View Educational Video from Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) teacher in Australia:
The Health Protection/ Health Promotion Model "stipulates that the purpose of therapeutic recreation is to assist persons to recover following threats to health (health protection) and to achieve as high a level of health as possible (health promotion)."
- Austin, D. R. (1998), The Health Protection/ Health Promotion Model. Therapeutic Recreation Journal , v32 p109-117
All New Members are Enrolled in our Lifestyle Foundation Program
The program is 2-6 months (based on client goals and plan) and is paid via monthly membership subscription.
Members may pause or cancel membership subscription at any time
(cancellation effective at the conclusion of their current prepaid month).