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Recreational Therapy (RT)  for Whole-Person Health in Austin, TX
Recreational Therapy (RT) for Whole-Person Health in Austin, TX
Recreation-Based Integrative Medical Treatment for Emotional, Physical, and Social Health

Our Therapeutic Recreation Practice Model: 
Health Protection/ Health Promotion 

Our practice purpose "is to assist persons to recover following threats to health (health protection) 

and to achieve as high a level of health as possible (health promotion)."

Graphic of health protection health promotion model
What is a Practice Model?

What is a Therapeutic Recreation Practice Model?

It is a framework for delivery of services as a Recreational Therapist. It "guide[s] the outcomes toward which the professional will strive and everything that is done in practice to achieve those outcomes[.]” 

Candy Ashton-Forrester, PhD, CTRS/LRT, FDRT and Jo-Ellen Ross, PhD, CTRS, FDRT

What is Health Protection?
What is Health Protection?

View Educational Video from Health Education England (HEE) - NHS:

What is Health Promotion?
What is Health Promotion?

View Educational Video from Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) teacher in Australia:

What is Health Protection/ Health Promotion Model?

The Health Protection/ Health Promotion Model "stipulates that the purpose of therapeutic recreation is to assist persons to recover following threats to health (health protection) and to achieve as high a level of health as possible (health promotion)." 

- Austin, D. R. (1998), The Health Protection/ Health Promotion Model.  Therapeutic Recreation Journal , v32 p109-117