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Recreational Therapy (RT)  for Whole-Person Health in Austin, TX
Recreational Therapy (RT) for Whole-Person Health in Austin, TX
Recreation-Based Integrative Medical Treatment for Emotional, Physical, and Social Health

Recreational Therapy (RT) 
for Vocational Rehabilitation

To Start Recreational Therapy:

1. Sign up for membership (which includes automatic enrollment in the Lifestyle Foundation Program).


FAQ: Recreational Therapy for Vocational Rehabilitation

What is Vocational Rehabilitation?
How May Recreational Therapy (RT) for Vocational Rehab Help Me?

View this Educational Video from the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC)

View Educational Video from University of North Texas Workplace Inclusion & Sustainable Employment (UNT WISE) about Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) in Texas:

In Texas, "Provider programs provide employment and training services, medical services, and rehabilitation technology that enable individuals who have disabilities to maximize their opportunities for employment. Providers that work with the division for Vocational Rehabilitation Services to meet the various needs of the customers include: [...]

Employment and training services 

o Career advancement 

o Job coaching 

o Job development, placement, and retention services


Medical services 

o Medical, psychiatric, psychological, and social services 

o Recreational therapy 

o Evaluation or control of specific disabilities 

o Psychosocial rehabilitation 

o Physical and occupational therapy 

o Speech, language, and hearing therapy 

o Medical, psychiatric, psychological, and social services 

o Personal assistance services" 

- Texas Workforce Investment Council
What is Rehabilitation Technology?

"Rehabilitation Technology[-] The Vocational Rehabilitation Services Manual (2017, C-203) explains that rehabilitation technology is the use of technology by individuals with disabilities so that they are able to improve their functional capabilities." - Texas Workforce Investment Council (page 16)