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Aquatic Therapy:
Recreational Therapy (RT) Treatment Technique 


About Aquatic Therapy

What is Aquatic Therapy?
  • Aquatic therapy includes water exercise and swimming activities for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of health conditions.
How May Recreational Therapy (RT) Help Me Using Aquatic Treatment Techniques?

View Educational Video from Oklahoma State Department of Education:

How We Provide Aquatic Therapy

  • Inclusion Therapies utilizes a variety of central Texas pools for aquatic therapy.  Clients and therapist team will follow water safety policies and procedures at all times. The Clinical Director is a certified aquatic therapist.
  • In collaboration with the therapist team, the client will select an aquatic exercise and/or swimming activity of their choosing relating to their healthcare outcomes. For example, someone experiencing chronic pain may engage in floating in a pool.
Evidence for Aquatic Therapy
​- Scott, Jason; Wozencroft, Angela; Nocera, Vincenzo; Webb, Kelsey; Anderson, Jodi; Blankenburg, Avery; Watson, Darrien; and Lowe, Sophie (2020) "Aquatic Therapy Interventions and Disability: A Recreational Therapy Perspective," International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education: Vol. 12: No. 3, Article 5. 
DOI:  / Available at:

  • "Therapy in the aquatic setting has been useful for the healing purposes of individuals with musculoskeletal or neuromuscular conditions for many years. Clinicians are now beginning to expand the use of aquatic therapy to a new population, which is children with autism, for healing purposes and as an early intervention. [...] Data collected from this study suggest that the subjects diagnosed within the autism spectrum were able to demonstrate mild improvements during the application of the intervention."- Gaskell, MS, CTRS, J., & Janssen, EdD, RTC, CTRS, M. A. (2014). Benefits of a structured swim program for children diagnosed within the autism spectrum disorder. American Journal of Recreation Therapy13(1), 9–16.

View Educational Video from Veterans Administration, Cleveland: