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Pediatric Sports Skills Group

Research shows that some children don't participate in sports due to personal barriers. 

This skills group is intended to address those issues.

  • NOTE: This is NOT a competitive team. 
  • This is a skills group where all abilities and backgrounds are able to learn how to play sports without fear of being "good enough." 

Personal barriers to children’s participation in sport.

Somerset, S., Hoare, D.J. Barriers to voluntary participation in sport for children: a systematic review. BMC Pediatr 18, 47 (2018).

Pediatric Sports Skills Group


This is a group provided for our under 18 client members.  


The purpose of this group is to support the psychosocial development of minors by enhancing their ability to participate in sports. Attendees will be taught basic skills of several different sporting games.


  • Studies have shown that, "It is recommended that community sport participation is advocated as a form of leisure time PA [Physical Activity] for children and adolescents, in an effort to not only improve physical health in relation to such matters as the obesity crisis, but also to enhance psychological and social health outcomes. "
  • Also, "Social interactions and feelings of relatedness with others are inherent aspects of team sport participation. Consequently, it is not surprising that involvement in organized youth team sport has been associated with better mental health[.]"
  • Clients may choose to join team sports in the future or they may use the knowledge and acquired skills to enhance their ability to interact with peers in relation to sports (as a fan, etc.).  
  • In this group, clients will also develop and enhance their prosocial behavior and social development

View Educational Video from Children's Specialized Hospital (largest pediatric rehabilitation hospital in the USA):


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